Let's face it, all women love to be pampered. We like the spa days and the beauty salons, we like to be good looking, with nice manicure, smooth skin and amazing hair like these girls in the shampoo аds.
As a mother of never stoping on a place, curious, attention wanting, 9 - month old, I rarely get the chance to pamper myself at a beauty salon. That's why I started to make my beauty procedures myself at home. And as a natural product's lover, I decided to use these kind of products.
I've once heard, that everything you can eat, you can put on your face.
It strenghtens your nails, hair and skin. In olive oil you can find Vitamins A, D, E and polyphenols. It is a natural antioxidant. The olive oil can improve the colour of the skin and has anti age effect, softens and aliments the skin.
The sugar can make you look younger, it makes your skin smooth and beautiful. The lack of sugar in the blood can often be the reason for the dark circles or the gray colour of the skin. You can use the sugar to clean your face just by adding it to some of the things you usually use to wash your skin.
Baking soda removes the dead cells, the black dots and cleans the pores. It also has antiseptic effect.
Ok, so you can use coffee to clean your face skin from the black dots and the dead cells. You can use it as a scrub. But do you know you can use coffee to reduce cellulite (cellulite can't be fully removed but there are some tricks to reduce it). It can also refresh the tired looking skin.
Honey is my favourite thing. It's not only the amazing flavour, but honey keeps you healthy and strong. I just love honey. It's antioxidant, antimicrobial and antifungal. Honey hydrates, it has anti age effect, it cleans the skin, and helps to get rid of the acne.
The pomegranate is rich in vitamins and is antioxidant. It hydrates the skin and makes it glow. It helps against acne. Pomegranate is also good for the hair. It helps in the battle against hair loss. And when you dye your hair you can use it so your colour lasts longer.
Cinnamon can be used for deep cleaning of the skin. It removes the death cells and black dots, and helps you with the acne.
Here are some masks with these 7 products:
1. Brew a cup of coffee (you can add aloe
vera for better effect);
2. Freeze;
3. Rub on the dark circles with the ice cubes.
1. 1/2 teaspoon used
coffee grounds;
2. 1/2 teaspoon honey;
3. Gently rub on the lips
for 30 sec.
1. Coffee grounds;
2. Olive oil;
3. Apply to hair and stay with
it for 20 min;
4. Rinse (you can add a small
amount of shampoo in the hair mask so you can wash it easier later).
1. Coffee grounds;
2. Olive oil;
3. Apply to hair and stay with
it for 20 min;
4. Rinse (you can add a small
amount of shampoo in the hair mask so you can wash it easier later).
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